Support a community solar garden or help community members participate in a community solar project by:
a. Serving as a host site for a community solar garden. b. Facilitating development, by the municipal utility or other entity, of a community solar garden for residents. c. Participating in a community solar garden to ensure accessibility and availability to low-income residents.
Like a community garden, or a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) subscription arrangement, Community Shared Solar or Community Solar Gardens (which are the same thing) specifically refer to projects whereby subscribers receive an electricity bill credit (of no more than 120% of their average usage) for the electricity generated at one centrally-located photovoltaic panel installation in proportion to the size of their subscription.
Local jurisdictions can host a community solar garden and make a portion of the energy produced available to local residents. TheCity of Edina project is a good example of how this works.
Solar can also provide long-term financial relief to families struggling with high and unpredictable energy costs, living-wage jobs, and a source of clean, local energy sited in communities that have been disproportionately impacted by traditional power generation.
See the Low-income Solar Policy Guide description for Community Shared Solar, also known as community solar or solar gardens, that can “help address the physical and financial barriers of going solar for those who do not own their home or have a suitable roof, or who live in multifamily housing.”\
Describe the city's role in a community solar garden project (e.g. leasing roof space, promoting the availability of subscriptions, hosting community conversations about community solar, providing guidance for pollinator habitat on the site, etc.). Report city government subscriptions to a community solar garden and green tag purchases under BPA 15.2; report brightfield projects under BPA 25.5; report third party solar purchases under BPA 26.5; report community solar gardens located in the city but without involvement of the city under BPA 26.6; report local energy resilience efforts under BPA 29.8.
Describe how the city facilitated development of a solar garden to ensure availability to local residents and businesses; report number of participants, installed capacity in kW and cost data.
Describe a deeper role the city/municipal utility played in developing a solar garden and making it accessible to low-income residents(e.g., donating government land, leasing government roof-space for minimal fees, serving as a back-up subscriber, issuing a request for proposals for low-income accessible gardens, working with your local Energy Assistance program).
Who's doing it
Detroit Lakes - 3 star
Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Starting in 2017, Detroit Lakes Public Utilities offers participation in a community solar garden. The City owned, operated, and maintained solar panels make it easy for businesses and residents to purchase renewable energy generation. In January of 2020, Detroit Lakes Public Utilities will offer 100% renewable energy purchases through its Bright Energy Choices program.
Eden Prairie partnered with Cooperative Energy Futures (CEF) to build a community solar garden (CSG) by leasing rooftop space on a city building. This project provides approximately 150 residents the opportunity to reduce their energy bills while still supporting renewable energy and helping the city meet its Climate Action Plan goals. The city also serves as a backup subscriber to the project which allowed the developer to forgo income and credit checks on potential subscribers and secure more favorable financing terms for the project.
Initiated in 2019, the Eden Prairie CSG has 1,989 panels and a total size of 1.084 MW. The city required that at least 25% of production be reserved for residents who were: low to moderate-income (LMI), renters, or immigrant community members. All three groups are typically underserved by renewable energy programs. Through a robust community engagement process that included in-person and online events, translated materials, outreach through local affordable housing property managers, places or worship, and local assistance providers, the project team was able to connect with residents and fill subscriptions, and the project is coming online in May 2024.
City is partnering with CMPAS/SMMPA for a solar project in Owatanna MN. The power generated will be sold to Granite Falls residents as solar subscriptions for a form of green energy.
Capture The Sun® is the program at Moorhead Public Service (MPS) that is associated with MPS’ Community Solar Garden Projects.
A “community solar garden” is a collection of solar panels shared with customers who are unable to install and maintain a solar panel system of their own, such as customers with shaded roofs and those who have structures not suitable for solar panels.
MPS' Community Solar Garden is located between MPS’ two Capture The Wind® turbines in north Moorhead.
SOLARCHOICE is a city of Saint Peter program. This community solar is a way to benefit from solar without installing it on the rooftop of properties. Saint Peter now has a Community Solar Garden with thousands of panels. This is an easy way to join the solar movement at a level that is affordable to the people. It allows users/customers the opportunity to gain a level of price certainty by locking in the cost of a portion of future energy usage.
While only 25% of rooftops are suitable for solar installations, community solar provides an equitable way to allow those want more solar to get it without impacting those who do not.
Edina's community solar garden opened to city residents in 2018. Within the first couple of months, the maximum amount of subscriptions had been reached. This led to the creation of a waiting-list comprised of dozens of interested residents, in case of a loss of a significant number of subscribers. As of 2022, the community solar garden continues to be utilized by its maximum number of subscriptions.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
In 2021, the CSG had a total of 76 subscribers and produced over 761,461 kWh of energy. This is equal to taking 71 gasoline-powered cars off the road. Subscribers also receive a bill credit which totaled $120,168 in 2021.
In coordination with MMPA, the City of Arlington rolled out its Clean Energy Choice program. Arlington’s supplier, MMPA, will provide 1 kWh from its Oak Glen Wind Farm, Hometown BioEnergy, or Hometown Wind to the power grid for each kWh that is purchased. At this time, our residential customers can purchase renewable, sustainable energy for a premium of just $0.0175 per kWh for their actual household usage. (If you use 750 kWh/month, that’s an additional $13 per month on your utility bill.)
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Participation in this program is voluntary and on a month-to-month basis. There are no contracts to sign, and no long-term commitment.
Since inception in early 2015, 1% of Arlington's customers have signed up for the service.
The city has helped share the Solar Unite Neighbors (SUN) Lakes and Prairies Solar Co-Op program. This solar co-op is an informally organized group of engaged and educated consumers that SUN brings together for a limited time to leverage their buying power to get the best price and service from a local solar installer. A Solar 101 was hosted in the city and more around the region in 2024/25.
Local Clean Energy Initiative. The Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP) is a non-profit organization that is funded by the City, County and EDA. The CCLEP action plan and mission is:
•Engender community conversation about energy issues through public meetings, radio shows, newspaper articles, on-line postings, and a dedicated website.
•Build and strengthen a network of interested parties to improve communication about, and increase coordination of, local energy projects.
•Investigate feasibility of various energy efficiency and renewable energy production options specific to Cook County.
•Gather, organize, and make available, information about energy issues.
•Develop and maintain a website to make energy information easy to access and useful to our community.
•Engage with local units of government to enact policies that enhance local energy efficiency and renewable energy development.
•Encourage the establishment of a local energy industry by assisting local businesses and non-profits with their energy projects.
•Develop, maintain and implement a county wide Energy Plan.
Oakdale supported bringing the Midwest Renewable Energy Association's successful bulk purchase program to Minnesota in 2018. The Solar Twin Cities program allows residents and businesses across the Twin Cities area the opportunity to aggregate their solar purchase power to achieve program milestones that result in rebates that make solar more affordable for participants. Oakdale hosted two Solar Power Events at City Hall to allow residents and non-residents alike the opportunity to learn about what solar power is, and how they can participate in the bulk buy program. There was also an opportunity for residents to have their utility bills analyzed by the Citizen's Utility Board, and education on energy efficiency from Center for Energy and Environment. Oakdale will host future cycles of the Solar Twin Cities program as available.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
In this initial offering, Solar Twin Cities secured solar installations totaling 261.84 kW worth of capacity in 35 locations across the metro area.