Enter/update government-owned building information and monthly usage data into the MN B3 Benchmarking database, and utilize building/energy audits to identify potential improvements.
- Action 1:City Detail
Background Information
City Assessment Files and City Performance Metrics
City councils pass a resolution to join the GreenStep program and are recognized at Step 1. Step 2 and Step 3 recognition levels reflect completed city actions, reported and rated below with stars (1 star = good, 2 stars = better, 3 stars = best). The Assessment File below summarizes completed city actions in a short Word file. Step 4 recognition is awarded to cities who report a minimum number of core metrics for the previous calendar year. These metrics aim to show the aggregate, quantitative results of taking multiple GreenStep actions. Step 5 cities show improvement in the Step 4 metrics. See yearly data for Steps 4&5. Additional city data can be found by reviewing information on B3 Benchmarking and Regional Indicators Initiative.
Assessment File
Best Practice Actions Underway and Completed
Completed actions are denoted by stars.
Total completed actions: 27
Buildings and Lighting
Efficient Existing Public Buildings {BP no.1}
~60 months of data for each building.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Make no/low cost indoor lighting and operational changes in city-owned/school buildings to reduce energy costs.
- Action 2:Public Works: 4 occupancy sensors have been installed in maintenance rooms. A timer has been put on the snack vending machine to reduce its energy usage by over 50%.
Activity Center: A complete operations and maintenance analysis was completed as part of a recommissioning and controls installation project. Several HVAC components have been identified that were not working properly and fixed or replaced. Operations have been matched to building occupancy schedules. Vending misers have been installed on all 3 soda vending machines. Timers have been installed on all arcade games.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Invest in larger energy efficiency projects through performance contracting or other funding or through smaller retro-commissioning/retrofit projects in city-owned/school buildings.
- Action 3:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Implement IT efforts and city employee engagement to reduce plug loads, building energy use and workflow efficiency.
- Action 4:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Efficient Existing Private Buildings {BP no.2}
Describe energy/water efficiency outcomes and other green building practices at businesses and not-for-profit organizations located within/nearby the city.
- Action 4:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Conserve/protect drinking/groundwater resources by creating a water-wise landscaping ordinance/guidance, WaterSense purchasing program, or guidance on rainwater harvesting and home water softener use.
- Action 5:The City also enforces odd-even day watering restrictions.
In March 2012, the City initiated a commercial water conservation program, in which it will meet with the top 20 commercial water customers to verify that the customer has a rain sensor, and that the sensor is set to odd/even watering scheduling per city code. The city has allocated $5,000 to pay for the installation of rain sensors for customers who do not have them. Through this process, the city hopes to enforce watering ordinances and assist businesses to become compliant with with city policies regarding water conservation.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Efficient Outdoor Lighting and Signals {BP no.4}
Coordinate traffic signals and/or optimize signal timing to minimize car idling at intersections yet maintain safe and publicly acceptable vehicle speeds.
- Action 4:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Replace the city's existing traffic signal indications with LEDs.
- Action 8:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Land Use
Comprehensive, Climate and Energy Plans {BP no.6}
Adopt a comprehensive plan or (for Category B & C cities) adopt a future land use plan that was adopted by the county or a regional entity.
- Action 1:The Comp Plan itself provides for broad sustainability goals such as a sustainable economy, preservation of natural areas, and limiting growth at defined city edges while expanding growth in core residential areas.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Demonstrate that regulatory ordinances comply with the comprehensive plan including but not limited to having the zoning ordinance explicitly reference the comprehensive plan as the foundational document for decision making.
- Action 2:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Resilient City Growth {BP no.7}
Provide incentives for affordable housing, workforce housing, infill projects, or for life-cycle housing at or near job or retail centers, or for achieving an average net residential density of seven units per acre.
- Action 4:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Mixed Uses {BP no.8}
Have a downtown zoning district that emphasizes small and destination business, entrepreneurial spaces, and allows or requires residential and residential-compatible commercial development.
- Action 5:The City's Comp Plan also creates zones for mixed use regional and mixed use neighborhood areas.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Efficient City Fleets {BP no.13}
Right-size/down-size the city fleet with the most fuel-efficient vehicles that are of an optimal size and capacity for their intended functions.
- Action 2:The city has ordered a second multi-function hook truck to further improve its fleet efficiency.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Environmental Management
Sustainable Purchasing {BP no.15}
Adopt a sustainable purchasing policy or administrative guidelines/practices directing that the city purchase at least:
- Action 1:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Purchase energy used by city government - via the municipal utility, green tags, community solar garden, 3rd party - with a higher renewable percentage than required by Minnesota law.
- Action 2:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Lower the environmental footprint of meetings and events in the city.
- Action 7:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Community Forests and Soils {BP no.16}
Adopt a tree preservation or native landscaping ordinance.
- Action 5:(1) Structures shall be located in such a manner that the maximum number of trees shall be preserved.
(2) Prior to the granting of a building permit, it shall be the duty of the person seeking the permit to demonstrate that there are no feasible or prudent alternatives to the clear-cutting of trees on the site and that if trees are cut, the person will restore the density of trees to that which existed before development but in no case shall the person be compelled to raise the density above ten trees per acre.
(3) Forestation, reforestation or landscaping shall utilize a variety of tree species and shall not utilize any species presently under disease epidemic. Species planted shall be hardy under local conditions and compatible with the local landscape.
The Zoning Ordinance also requires that there is at least one tree and landscape island for every 12 parking spots in all parking lots.
Reference to tree preservation can also be found in the following parts of city code:
Highway Corridor Overlay District: http://library.municode.com/HTML/14443/level4/PTIILADERE_CH125ZO_ARTIVDIRE_DIV3OVDI.html#PTIILADERE_CH125ZO_ARTIVDIRE_DIV3OVDI_S125-225HICOOVDIHC
Subdivision Design Standards: http://library.municode.com/HTML/14443/level3/PTIILADERE_CH121SU_ARTIIIDESTREIM.html#PTIILADERE_CH121SU_ARTIIIDESTREIM_S121-57SUDEST
Shoreland Protection: http://library.municode.com/HTML/14443/level3/PTIILADERE_CH109SHWEPR_ARTIISHPR.html#PTIILADERE_CH109SHWEPR_ARTIISHPR_S109-21AD
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Stormwater Management {BP no.17}
Adopt and use Minnesota's Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS).
- Action 1:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Create a stormwater utility that uses variable fees to incentivize stormwater infiltration, minimize the volume of and pollutants in runoff, and educate property owners and renters on the importance of managing stormwater runoff.
- Action 4:The City is currently in the process of developing a Stormwater Utility Credit. The credit will offer property owners the opportunity to receive a reduction on their Stormwater Utility Fee for implementing BMPs on their property.
Currently, all of the fees that the City receives from the Stormwater Utility Fee is used for the stormwater program. The fees from residential parcels cover the fee that the City owes to the Elm Creek Watershed Management Commission. The fees from commercial parcels are used towards stormwater pond clean outs and other pond maintenance, along with the material costs and salaries of the stormwater department.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Improve smart-salting by reducing chloride use in winter maintenance and dust suppressants to prevent permanent surfacewater and groundwater pollution.
- Action 6:Zoning Ordinance: The following general standards shall apply to all development and activity that necessitates the grading, stripping, cutting, filling or exposure of soils:
(1) The development shall conform to the natural limitations presented by topography and soil so as to create the least potential for soil erosion.
(2) Erosion and siltation control measures shall be coordinated with the different stages of development. Appropriate control measures shall be installed prior to the development when necessary to control erosion.
(3) Land shall be developed in increments of workable size such that adequate erosion and siltation controls can be provided as construction progresses. The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any one period of time.
(4) The drainage system shall be constructed and operational as quickly as possible during construction.
(5) Whenever possible, natural vegetations shall be retained and protected.
Shoreland Protection Ordinance: http://library.municode.com/HTML/14443/level3/PTIILADERE_CH109SHWEPR_ARTIISHPR.html#PTIILADERE_CH109SHWEPR_ARTIISHPR_S109-21AD
Stormwater Management Ordinance: The Stormwater Management Ordinance best details the City's erosion and sediment control standards and incorporates the requirements of the PCA.
The City's Water Resource Specialist inspects construction sites within the city to ensure these standards are being followed and will follow up concerning any violations.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Efficient Water and Wastewater Systems {BP no.20}
Plan and budget for motor maintenance and upgrades to assure the most energy efficient, durable and appropriate equipment is available when upgrades or breakdowns occur.
- Action 2:John Seifert (City staff) | jseifert@rogersmn.gov | 763-428-0906
Optimize energy and chemical use at drinking water/wastewater facilities and decrease chloride in wastewater discharges.
- Action 4:The attached MnTAP Intern report lists process optimization options and associated payback periods.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Resilient Economic and Community Development
Benchmarks and Community Engagement {BP no.24}
Inclusive and Coordinated Decision-Making: Use a city commission or committee to lead, coordinate, report to and engage community members on the identification and equitable implementation of sustainability best practices.
- Action 1:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Public Education for Action: Conduct or support a broad sustainability education and action campaign, building on existing community relationships, networks & events involving:
- Action 4:In 2009 and 2010, the first MN GreenCorps member helped the city start a community garden and farmer's market. Through this process, the city worked with its City Council, Park Board, Public Works, and Community Education to get the initiatives off the ground. The City hosted local foods listening sessions with gardeners, students, and other interested residents and created a Farmers Market Steering Committee to support the Farmers Market. Throughout the market season, a weekly newsletter is sent out to all participants and interested residents. The Farmers Market and Community Gardens are still thriving and are entering their fifth year.
In addition to the gardens and farmers market, the community garden space was used for two K-5 summer community education programs in 2010, with 100 kids in attendance. The students learned about gardening and the local food systems. Two adult classes were also offered at a local farm and winery to learn about local wines and wine-making.
The current MN GreenCorps member will be starting a rain barrel program within the City this spring and conducting public outreach and education surrounding stormwater.
Around 800 residents involved in the farmers market and community gardens in the first year.
150 kids and adults involved in the community education classes at the community gardens/local farm.
Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Green Business Development {BP no.25}
Create or participate in a marketing/outreach program to connect businesses with assistance providers, including utilities, who provide personalized energy, waste or sustainability audits and assistance.
- Action 2:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-0974
Conduct or participate in a buy local campaign for community members and local businesses.
- Action 7:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033
Local Food {BP no.27}
Create, assist with and promote local food production/distribution within the city:
- Action 3:Mike Bauer (City staff) | mbauer@ci.rogers.mn.us | 763-428-1033