The MN Dept. of Transportation supports the Safe Routes to Schools program - an effort to improve walking and bicycling conditions for youth and to encourage more active lifestyles.
Find additional resources. There is typically annual funding available for projects and education.
Active Transportation:
MnDOT’s Active Transportation Program offers infrastructure and planning assistance grants to local communities through an annual solicitation process. These resources can be used to create a citywide Active Transportation Plan.
Find resources for and report Complete & Living Streets policies under BPA 11.1.
Active Living:
The Albert Lea Blue Zones project is about making the healthy choice the easy choice.
The Hennepin Active Living Program has numerous planning and policy documents and other resources to help a city start an active living program in their own community.
Prevention Minnesota, an initiative to make Minnesota a healthier place to live and work during the next decade, promotes SHIP - State Health Improvement Plan - interventions and funding through county health boards, and the MN Dept. of Health physical activity program.
Communities for a Lifetime resources from the MN Board on Aging are available to cities to help transform the physical infrastructure of communities, including housing, mobility options and accessible public space. Report being an Age Friendly Community under BPA 12.1.
Describe elements of a SRTS program in which the city is involved; note how many schools are affected, how the program addresses engagement, equity, engineering, encouragement, education, and evaluation, and whether the city worked in concert with the local community health board; establish a city workplace wellness program. Report shared use agreements between cities and school parks under BPA 18.1.
Describe key elements of other active-living efforts, such as which actions you are challenging which number of people/organizations to take, and length of the campaign; report collaboration/funding from your local Community Health Board (SHIP funding); host an Open Streets or Ciclovias event to temporarily make a street a pedestrian-only zone.
Report outcome measures, such as increased walking/biking in the community, improved health outcomes, percent of the student body covered by SRTS programming, and school bus fuel savings; permanently convert a street to a pedestrian-only zone; adopt a city-wide Active Transportation/Living Plan. Report Complete & Living Streets policies under BPA 11.1.
Who's doing it
Albert Lea - 3 star
Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2017
Implementation details:
Albert lea has offered a Family Bike Rodeo every year since 2010. It is the anchor of an open streets ciclovia event called Just Play. The rodeo is attended by more then 150 children a summer along with their parents. Free bike helmets and used bikes are part of the event along with safety education, bike check-up station and an agility course.
In the Fall of 2015 District #241 implemented a Walk % Roll program in all our schools. Maps are provided for each school that show the best routes to school both walking and biking.
Our Safe Routes to school initiative is progressing very quickly. Student Tallies of each school were conducted were taken in the spring of 2015. In the Fall of 2015 a Routes to School to School workshop was scheduled and well attended. We have now secured a $10,000 grant from SHIP and hired the Alpha Design Group to help us with the engineering portion of our Safe Routes implementation grant. Our school assessments are scheduled for April 10-13. Along with Alpha Design engineers, our city engineers, the facility manager of District #241 and many community members we will do observations at both drop off and pick up times at all 6 public schools. Our community goal is to have a solid and strategic 5-10 plan for addressing built environment needs at our Albert Lea Area Schools.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
In 2010 the Front Street bike lane was constructed. The Trail counts done on this built environment project connected to Southwest Middle School and Sibley elementary shows a 69% increase in walking and biking the last 7 years.
The city of Dilworth did a Safe Routes to School Study in 2010 that surveyed 5th graders at Dilworth Elementary School. The goal was to gain insight into the challenges and opportunities for enhancing exercise for school-aged children by walking and bicycling to school and find the barriers that prevent this. Thanks to this study, key stakeholders can look for opportunities to develop strategies that assist children in their travel to and from school. All of the findings of this study are in the descriptive file. Dilworth also installed a shared-use path along 7th Street NE as part of an SRTS effort the summer of 2014. Dilworth completed a comprehensive sidewalk condition inventory in 2016.
Dilworth has a program called “Shovel Dilworth,” which encourages citizens every winter to get out and shovel theirs and a neighbor’s sidewalk during the winter. As part of the Fargo-Moorhead metro, Dilworth also joins in celebrating StreetsAlive twice a year. These fun open-street festivals plant the idea that people walking or biking to work or play is healthy and exhilarating. Dilworth has also recently been working on Walking Paths that are indicated by stencils on the sidewalk, signage and walking maps available online and at city hall.
Through SRTS, our consultants, and our committee the City aims to identify and address gaps in infrastructure that exists. Our committee includes teachers, principals, city staff, county engineer, school resource officer, police officers, concerned parents, a SHIP representative, and students. So far, the committee has held a workshop, in which, the above listed members attended to assess how school pick up and drop off was conducted, walk the city streets and see what challenges exist, and collaborate together on what some of the possible solutions might be. We have also led several surveying initiatives where parents, teachers, and students have been asked to provide information on what some of the barriers of walking or biking to school are. Over the winter of 2019-2020 the plan will be developed by Alta Planning. In the spring of 2020, the plan will be shared with committee members and the committee will be expected to continue working together to use the plan to address the problems that are laid out.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Once the plan is developed in June of 2020. We hope that committee can continue to address non-motor transportation issues and continue to collaborate with SRTS on different grant and programmtic initiatives that they lead in order to make walking and biking a safe possibility for students to use to get to school.
The City of Moorhead participates in Streets Alive, which is an Active Living campaign, held in the community to encourage people to enjoy and adopt more physically active lifestyles. These fun open-street festivals plant the idea that people walking or biking to work or play is normal and exhilarating. Over 8,000 people attended the 2017 Streets Alive events.
The City of Moorhead is continuing its efforts to improve the safety of students who walk or bicycle to all of its elementary and middle schools through an update of its citywide Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plan. This plan is a guiding document for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, policies, and programs around schools in the city. Through implementation of this plan, the city aims to enhance the safety and comfort of residents when walking or bicycling to and from schools.
The City of Arlington, with Sibley County as a sponsor and the Sibley East Public Schools and St. Paul’s Lutheran School as cooperative partners, received a federal $199,980 Safe Routes to School grant during the late summer of 2011. The award was used to create a safer environment for students walking/bicycling to Sibley East and St. Paul's schools and ISD 2310 athletic facilities, as well as for those accessing regional trails. Coupled with the award, the City of Arlington adopted a sidewalk inspection policy and has annually budgeted $25,000 in sidewalk rehabilitation projects throughout the community. Attached is a copy of the Sidewalk Inspection Map and Legend that demonstrates an annual plan for rehabilitation projects. The City has also budgeted $10,000 annually to pay for the bonded portion of new sidewalks in the 2015 and 2019 street and utility improvement projects.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
The sidewalk portion of the 2015 Street & Utility Improvement Project will be completed by 9-01-15.
Bemidji currently has a Safe Routes to School program, the details of which can be found in the attached file.
Additionally, Bemidji strives to increase walking and biking in the community, improve general health, and encourage changing behaviors and attitudes toward physical activity through the Active Living Bemidji program, which is in its 4th year of implementation.
In 2013, the City of Brooklyn Center completed a Safe Routes to School study with 9 schools within Brooklyn Center.
In 2015 in conjunction with Hennepin County on a SHIP grant the City will conduct a demonstration project allowing residents to comment on the 57th bike trail improvements
The Columbia Heights Police Department has a program where if bicycles are left as unclaimed property, the Police Department will refurbish the bicycles and donate approximately 10 bikes per year; with an estimated 100 bikes donated to the School District over the last decade.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
An average of 10 bikes a year are diverted from the waste stream and refurbished to provide the products with additional lifespan when they are given to the school.
The City of Duluth is a participating member of a regional SRTS program. In 2006, the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council released the Duluth SRTS Plan. City staff, council member and community citizens participated on the plan steering committee. Five schools were studied for the plan. There are seven elementary and two middle schools in Duluth.
The plan provided recommendations for evaluation of interventions, encouragement, education, engineering, and enforcements.
Engineering – Creating operational and physical improvements to the infrastructure surrounding schools that reduce speeds and potential conflicts with motor vehicle traffic, and establish safer and fully accessible crossings, walkways, trails and bikeways.
Duluth’s plan recommended traffic calming infrastructure, new sidewalks, and traffic separation measures.
2. Education – Teaching children about the broad range of transportation choices, instructing them in important lifelong bicycling and walking safety skills, and launching driver safety campaigns in the vicinity of schools.
3. Enforcement – Partnering with local law enforcement to ensure traffic laws are obeyed in the vicinity of schools (this includes enforcement of speeds, yielding to pedestrians in crossings , and proper walking and bicycling behaviors), and initiating community enforcement such as crossing guard programs.
4. Encouragement – Using events and activities to promote walking and bicycling.
5. Evaluation – Monitoring and documenting outcomes and trends through the collection of data.
During 2013 and 2014, the City participated in active living campaigns and events that promote biking, walking and public transit. Events included the Mayor's annual bike to work day, public presentations on existing and planned bike routes, demonstrations on how to load a bike on the Duluth Transit Authority buses, and bike safety.
In 2013, activities were held during an entire week in May and in 2013, actvities were held during the entire month of May.
Mayor’s Community Health and Wellness Committee--On September 12, 2013 an introductory and kick-off meeting was held for this new task force that is being created to find ways to improve public
health through healthy eating and active living initiatives in Eden Prairie. The task force is comprised of a crosssection
of leaders throughout Eden Prairie who are involved in healthy/active living initiatives in their businesses,service clubs, or non-profit organizations.
The City of Fergus Falls adopted Resolution #180-2012 approving a Safe Routes to School comprehensive plan. In 2009 the City was recognized as a Governor’s Fit City.
In 2012, a Bike Study was completed and accepted by the Fridley City Council. In 2013, the Active Transportation Plan was approved. Trails are now plowed in Winter. Julie Jones, Fridley City Planning Manager meets with Fridley School system officials and health care professionals regularly as the City representative on the the Safe Routes to School team. She reviews all webinars that are offered on the topic, as well. Active Living classes such as Women Who Bike (spring 2015 community education class) and Seniors Try Bikes have been taking place, starting in 2013, in a public/private partnership with area bike shops.
In partner with SHIP, Yellow Medicine East High School, The Granite Falls Hospital, and the City of Granite Falls identified multiple new walking/biking routes throughout the community with signage.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
To encourage residents and visitors to walk and bike around the community.
Regina Medical has a program called A Healthier Hastings for All (AH-HA) that is focused on the Hastings community and increasing exercise and adopting healthier eating habits.
The City of Hopkins is a member of Active Living Hennepin County. As a member of this initiative, the City of Hopkins has made some progress towards an active living campaign.We now hold active events under the umbrella of Hopkins In Motion.We installed raspberry-themed bike racks at our public buildings.We conducted a grocery store market study in an effort to keep healthy food options within walking distance of many of our residents.
The City of Inver Grove Heights has a workout facility at the City Community Center (VMCC) that allows residents to utilize insurance membership discounts. The VMCC also offers several programs to encourage residents 55+ to be active. The City of Inver Grove Heights also partners with school districts to offer residents the opportunity to walk inside schools after business hours.
At just under 30 park facilities, signage was implemented through a Wayfinding Project (2012) to facilitate navigation throughout the cities parks and trails. These park facilities have an in-person wayfinding map at the park entrance that corresponds to information on the City's printed trail and park facilities map.
In 2011, a Trail Gaps Study was completed that highlighted connectivity gaps between trails and sidewalks. The study is reviewed on a regular basis by engineering and parks and recreation departments during redevelopment, development, and street reconstruction projects. This has been used to eliminated multiple trail gaps.
In 2008 the City of Lakeville received a federal grant through the Minnesota Department of Transportation for a citywide safe routes to school (SRTS) planning program. This provided a systematic, in-depth examination of issues preventing K-8 students from walking and bicycling to schools throughout the City. The planning effort involved 14 elementary schools and three school districts within City boundaries. The study identified approximately $174,000.00 of non-infrastructure improvements at 12 of the schools. Improvements noted were as simple as adding bicycle racks and as complex as installing advanced warning signs with flashers. Following the planning program report, the City and schools budgeted for many of the improvements identified. Those completed included solar powered LED button activated flashers at pedestrian crossings, trail connections from neighborhoods to main trails leading to schools, permanent crosswalk flashers and advanced crosswalk warning signs, and crosswalk and sidewalk connections to reduce student and vehicle interaction. The City remains active with ISD 194, through an SRTS committee reviewing and resolving resident issues regarding the safest and best routes to schools.
In partnership with Get Fit Itasca, revised the city’s Comprehensive Plan with significant resident participation. We brought in a consultant, walkability expert Dan Burden of Walkable and Livable Communities Institute. We conducted a visual preference survey and walking audits, small group discussions and facilitated public input exercises.
Converted part of the tennis courts to a pickle ball court to encourage active lifestyles.1/8/2016
The Bicycle Safety Extravaganza is an annual event held in Marshall with the purpose of promoting safe use of bicycles.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
During the Bicycle Safety Extravaganza, community members are able to register their bicycles for free, practice in a designated bike skills course the proper use of a bicycle, go over safety procedures and purchase locks, helmets and lights at a discounted price. The 2019 event estimated 300 in attendance.
In 2007, the city obtained a $31,200 SRTS grant from the Minnesota Department of Transportation to help slow down vehicle traffic around Sunny Hollow Elementary School (now Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion School) at 8808 Medicine Lake Rd. The grant also helped to develop an education program for students at the school. Few of the school's students walk or bicycle to school due to challenges created by busy roads.
In 2017, the city partnered with MnDOT and Alta Planning + Design to develop Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plans for the three elementary schools in New Hope. The SRTS plans include an assessment of existing infrastructure and non-infrastructure barriers and opportunities for each participating school site. Planning is completed in close coordination with school-based teams to support a clear path to implementation. For each school, detailed action plans for specific short- and long-term infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects that support the overall vision of enabling more students to access their schools and communities on foot or bicycle were developed. Student and parent feedback was solicited through paper and/or electronic surveys.
When the plans were developed, the intersection of Boone and 62nd avenue was identified as a dangerous crossing for students walking to and from school and a candidate for a demonstration pilot program. In 2018, the city was awarded a grant from MnDOT to help fund a temporary installation at the intersection. With the assistance of Alta Planning + Design, Robbinsdale Area Schools, Meadow Lake Elementary, and Brooklyn Park, an installation concept was developed. The demonstration project will allow the city to evaluate potential infrastructure improvements to the intersection before investing in permanent changes. The demonstration project was installed on September 25, 2019, and coincided with Stantec’s annual worldwide “Community Day.” Volunteers from Stantec helped with the installation. A traffic study was conducted before and during the installation. The installation was in place for three weeks. Feedback from parents was solicited through online surveys. The city will be using the results of the study to apply for an infrastructure grant from MnDOT.
In 2022, the Metropolitan Council approved the city’s grant application for infrastructure improvements near Meadow Lake Elementary. The city requested $363k in federal funds for the project, which would include the installation of high-visibility crosswalks, flashing stop signs, curb extensions and ADA-compliant ramps, blinking pedestrian crossing lights, stop bars, additional signage, and the elimination of a turn lane.
Greater Pine River Area Healthy Green Communities Partnership GreenSteps Task Force working with Envision MN to look at revitalizing Pine River's MainStreet (Barclay Avenue) held 3 public meetings to discuss options. Pine River Revitalization group carrying torch forward. Looking at bike lanes along Barclay and "Pine River Plaid" campaign to aesthetically spice up downtown with Paul Bunyan (red/black) plaid.
The Safe Routes to School Program was established under the "Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act A Legacy for Users" (SAFETEA-LU). The act will provide $612 million over the next five years for Safe Route to School Programs throughout the United States. The purpose of the program is to improve the conditions and quality of bicycling and walking to school. The goal of the program is to reverse the 30-year decline in the number of children walking to school and to reintroduce opportunities for regular physical activity.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
The program is aimed at K-8 educational facilities and the grant can be used to fund Infrastructure or Non-Infrastructure projects. Representative projects in each category include:
Crosswalk Improvements
Safe Route Plan
Filling Gaps in Bike/Pedestrian Networks Enforcement or Enforcement Training
Creating New Bike/Pedestrian Facilities Education Program
Traffic Calming/Driver Feedback Signs Promotional Events
Bike Parking
In the fall of 2006, Rosemount began working with the Dakota County Active Living Partnership.
This group and their work were funded through a grant from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Minnesota and included Dakota County, School District 196, the communities of Apple Valley,
Eagan and Rosemount as well as a mix of interested private sector stakeholders. The main focus of this group was to assess the active living conditions in the partnering communities and suggest policy changes to encourage increased physical activity in daily routines. Those suggestion served as the basis for the Active Living Section of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Outcomes include: an active living chapter in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan, Safe Route to School Plan for all public schools in Rosemount, and over $150,000 in grant funds for bicycle facilities, wayfinding signs and trails.
Partners: Dakota County, School District 196, the communities of Apple Valley, Eagan, Mendota Heights, West St. Paul, South St. Paul and Lakeville as well as a mix of interested private sector stakeholders.
The City of St. Louis Park has earned the opportunity to engage its citizens in a city-wide conversation about well-being through the “Health in the Park” initiative. The Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota chose the City of St. Louis Park as one of nine communities out of over 100 applicants to receive funding to be used over the next three years to promote healthy and active living
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Health parameters such as weight, blood pressure, et al. Along with number of participants in programs
The city of Sartell completed a Safe Routes to School plan in 2014. The city received grant money towards implementing some of the projects identified in the SRTS Plan through the Transportation Alternatives Program 2014 solicitation. These projects will upgrade safety of crosswalks, add sidewalk connections, and improve the overall alternative transportation infrastructure around the Elementary and Middle School. The city also works with BLEND (Better, Living, Exercise & Nutrition Daily; to promote alternative forms of transportation and active living.
The city has a map on its website showing existing bike and sidewalk paths-see link.
In the Spring of 2015 the City of Sherburn applied for and received a grant to work with Region 9 on a Safe Routes to School and Community Active Living Plan. The active living team participated in three meetings from April through August 2015 to complete an active living plan for Sherburn. It is the first step in creating a successful active living plan and will be the blueprint which we will follow for future projects and fixing gaps identified in the community.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
We identified strategies to engineer, educate, encourage, enforce, and evaluate our plan going forward.
Participate and promote healthy living through the Hennepin County Step to It Challenge. Encourage residents and city staff to get active and track "steps" for the month of May each year.
The City of Victoria had partnered with Carver County in the Go Carver Go program. Go Carver Go is an Active Living Campaign started in 2008 to provide residents opportunities to be active. The program received SHIP funding in 2010 and is going strong. GoCarverGo is a gateway for all Victoria residents to learn about activities and opportunities related to active living throughout Carver County.
The City is partnering with Vision 2020 Bike/Walk Committee and MnDOT to develop safe routes to school plan. We have received a grant and a consultant is being hired to evaluate the routes to the elementary schools, along with I.J. Holton School and Woodson Kindergarten Center.
Big Lake School District had three schools partner on this plan. The implementation process was first, parents and SHIP staff encouraged children to walk or bike to school, second, the district staff educated students on walking and biking opportunities in the city. There were also some infrastructure recommendations made and an action plan was created.
The City of Bloomington has worked with Bloomington Public Schools to develop a Safe Routes to School Plan for all K-8 public schools in the District. The plans are active and identify walking areas, available infrastructure and targeted infrastructure improvement projects and school goals for encouraging walking and biking to school. There is also an active SRTS committee with members from the City and School District that meets twice a year.
Crow Wing Energized and the City of Brainerd cooperated to identify 2 significant walking routes. By 2014, 0.732 miles of Safe Routes to School were constructed. Approval for 0.455 and 0.897 additional miles has been granted for completion by 2019 and 2020 respectively to continue Brainerd's Safe Routes to School Plan.
The City of Burnsville is implementing a SFTS for Sioux Trail School. The city received a grant in the amount of $132,338.40 for the following elements of a SRTS program:
o construction of a 10 foot wide bituminous trail connection from the school to an existing trail along the north of T.H. 13 (mixed use trail).
o Replacement of existing concrete sidewalk in the vicinity of the bicycle racks along the southwest side of the school building to address drainage issues.
o Installation of solar powered Blinker signs at two existing crosswalk locations on River Hills Drive.
The city also has a non-infrastructure SRTS for Echo Park Elementary School where:
o On Walk to School Day the police department walks with the school
o We also have signage (school Mascot) along the school route for kids to follow each day they walk.
Parent surveys were done before the construction of the path regarding a number of questions. When the project is complete (Fall 2012) another survey will be done to measure the number of children using the path. The survey will determine how many kids will be uses it once the construction is complete and do the parents feel safe letting their kids use the new route.
Cottage Grove recently partnered with Washington County and the school district on a grant proposal to fund Safe Routes To School. Our SRTS program was awarded $62,000. Projects planned for the end of the summer 2013 include: create SRTS maps and promote safest routes, embed biking/walking curriculum into PE or other classes, participate in International Walk and Bike to Schools Days, encourage on-going walking/biking through school-based strategies like Walking Wednesdays, park/walk options, etc., training for school safety patrols, Purchase safety equipment
The City of Delano applied and received a grant from the Safe Routes to School program in 2013. With this money the City and Delano Public Schools are in the process of creating bike and pedestrian trails and paths and updating existing ones to better connect the Delano Public Schools to areas of interest around the community. The new paths will connect to collector and arterial streets to allow students and residents of Delano to access the Public Schools and surrounding amenities with ease by bicycle or walking.
After a successful grant proposal, the City of Eagan and ISD 196 completed a Safe Route to School Planfor Red Pine Elementary. See attached website for more information.
The City of Edina released their Active Routes to School (ARTS) Comprehensive Plan in May of 2014. The plan outlines ongoing projects and future projects to be completed in the city that will aid in providing students with safer routes to school and a more extensive (pedestrian & cyclist) transport network. The Plan also provides extensive transportation data from students and schools, as well as an assessment, related policies, and related recommendations. Additionally, Edina has an active Traffic Safety Committee and is part of the Bloomington, Richfield, Edina DO Town program.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
In October 2014 , City Council passed the Active Routes to School Comprehensive Plan which serves as Edina's Safe Routes to School equivalent.
The City has participated/actively participating in the Safe Routes to School program.
The city participated in the SRTS program for Boeckman Middle School in coordination with the Farmington School District, Dakota County, and MnDOT. The final plan includes infrastructure recommendations to help improve overall pedestrian safety and access and create a more equitable transportation system. This study was completed in July of 2023
The city is currently participating in another SRTS program for Great Oaks Academy. The plan will be developed throughout the 2023=2024 school year.
The City of Hutchinson has a SRTS plan that is outlined in the attached file.
Additionally, Hutchinson strives to increase walking and biking throughout the community. The complete street policy was adopted in December 2015, which enable safe access for all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and public transportation.
The city has implemented a school zone speed limit on Heritage Blvd NW directly in front of the Primary School and on Heritage Blvd NE at the main intersection leading to the Intermediate School. Improved signage has steadily occurred at all the schools to refine flow of traffic around the schools and to direct students away from vehicle traffic congestion areas. City Police Officers perform daily monitoring of the city via patrol watching bus stops in the neighborhoods to monitoring crosswalk activities.
The City’s School Resource Officer promotes safety for kids that ride their bikes and walk to school – the safety in numbers mind set.
Isanti also promotes active living through trail connections, outdoor spaces and the number of outdoor activities to include 9 full size soccer fields, a skate park and the number one BMX track in the country.
The City recieved a Safe Routes to School fund in 2014. We were able to complete many projects throughout town from the project. Attached is a memo to the City Council that highlights one of the major projects we were able to complete.
We have completed the plan in collaboration with the school district, the City of Mantorville, and Dodge County. Findings will be incorporated into our Comprehensive Plan, our decision-making, and we are applying for grants to implement certain aspects of the plan.
La Crescent implemented a Safe Routes to School program in 2020. Through this, walking and riding bikes to school is encouraged and traffic laws and regulations are taught to students. This supports an active community. Areas near schools were evaluated for problems/issues with walkability/safety and new infrastructure recommendations were given.
Lake Crystal applied for and was awarded a SRTS Planning grant in 2013. A community assessment, student tally and parent survey were conducted. In April 2015, Lake Crystal was awarded an SRTS grant for $160K for the 2019 Federal budget year. A bicycle rodeo is scheduled for May 2015. New crosswalks were painted around the school.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
A final report due in May 2013 will include Engineering Strategies, Education Strategies, Encouragement Strategies, Enforcement and Evaluation Strategies. The goal is to apply for a SRTS Infrastructure grant. The school implemented a walk to school day for bus riders in the fall of 2013. Students were bused to a nearby Assisted Living Facility and teachers walked the students to school. A SHIP grant was awarded and is working with the school to further promote healthy initiatives.
The city of Maplewood received a $300,000 safe routes to school grant from the government. Along with an additional $10,000 route planning budget for temporary staff to help plan the Safe Routes To School project.
Because there are multiple schools located on County Road B the city will run a path alongside alongside the road to increase pedestrian safety. This will be a product of the Living Streets policy adopted by the City in 2013. All new construction of roads must follow this policy which includes the increase in the amounts of sidewalks in project areas. The policy also determines points where there is not connectivity of the walking paths and attempts to rectify that as well.
Mendota Heights is a partner in the Safe Routes to School program at the local Somerset Elementary School. This school was identified as a candidate in Dakota County's School Travel Safety Assessment in 2021. Since then, MnDOT has completed the applicable sidewalk improvements near the school. This summer, Mendota Heights is installing the rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs)
The city of Minnetonka worked with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Hennepin County and the Hopkins School District to develop a safe routes to school plan to identify off-street pedestrian routes around the Glen Lake Elementary School campus. The city and the school district received a safe routes to school grant for the construction of a sidewalk and crosswalk improvements along CSAH 3 (Excelsior Boulevard, Woodridge Road and internal to the school campus site. The project included 2,300 feet of concrete sidewalks, pedestrian crosswalk and a roadway improvement. The project began in August and was completed in October of 2012. For many years the city has partnered in the Active Living Hennepin County program. Recognizing some barriers for its residents, the city council supports principals to promote physical activity through innovative site design and development patterns.
New Ulm implemented a Safe Routes to School program (SRTS) in 2015 with extensive community support and involvement from local partners such as the Heart of New Ulm and Coalition for Active, Safe, and Healthy Streets. New Ulm Public School District realized the first step to creating a Safe Routes to School program was to create a plan. The district applied and was awarded the MnDOT Planning Assistance Grant facilitated by Region Nine Development Commission.
The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program improves the City's streets with pedestrian and bicycle improvements for students and children. The SRTS Program's resources and projects are allocated in an equitable manner. To encourage students to walk or bicycle to/from school, the SRTS program seeks to improve the comfort and safety of the City's pedestrian and bicycle network near schools, parks, libraries, and other neighborhood destinations.
In 2007 the city was awarded a Safe Routes to School Grant to repair gaps in the pedestrian and bike trails surrounding Oakdale Elementary and Skyview Middle Schools. Sidewalks were installed, crosswalks were upgraded, and signage was added. The schools partnered with the city and the Oakdale Business and Professional Association to host a Walk to School Day.
Pierz received a grant to construct approximately 4,200 lineal feet of sidewalks and make safety
improvements: pavement markings, pedestrian refuge, and dynamic speed display system.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Pierz is more accessible for those who want to walk or bike around the city, and for students to walk or bike to school rather than take the school bus.
Pine City received a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health's Statewide Health Improvement Program to launch a Safe Routes to School Program. As part of the program there is an annual walk to school day. The football team and high school students are recruited to walk kids to school in a big parade like procession. Community members are also involved in the annual event.
Our City completed its Safe Routes to School project in 2017 by adding six blocks of sidewalk from the south end of the city to the Elementary School. The project was done in coordination with Morrison County. The County added ped ramps to the sidewalks, painted crosswalks and we installed a ped crossing at the intersection of Centre and Driftwood Streets so children can safely cross that intersection. The city also added three electronic speed signs on entrances to the city and near the High School
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
The goal of the Safe Routes to School is to provide sidewalks and ped crossings to make it safer for children to walk and bike to school. The other benefit is many adults also use the sidewalks when walking pets or just enjoying walking and biking in the city.
In 2019, Rush City received a planning grant to create a Safe-Routes-To-School program. Through SRTS, our consultants and our committee, the City aims to identify and address gaps in infrastructure that exist. Our committee includes teachers, principals, city staff, county engineer, school resource officer, police officers, concerned parents, a Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) representative, and students. So far, the committee has held a workshop to assess how school pick up and drop off is conducted, walk the city streets and see what challenges exist, and collaborate together on possible solutions. We also led several surveying initiatives where parents, teachers, and students were asked to provide information on what some of the barriers of walking or biking to school are. Over the winter of 2019-2020 the plan will be developed by Alta Planning. In the spring of 2020, the plan will be shared with committee members and the committee will be expected to continue working together to use the plan to address the problems that are laid out.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Once the plan is developed in June of 2020. We hope that the committee can continue to address non-motor transportation issues and continue to collaborate with SRTS on different grants and initiatives that they lead in order to make walking and biking a safe possibility for students to use to get to school.
The St. Cloud community actively participates in the Safe Routes to School program, receiving two grants from the MN Department of Transportation to improve conditions and promote physical activity of kids through infrastructure projects. In 2006, Madison Elementary was awarded $175,000 to create multiple safe routes for students walking and biking to three local school facilities. Westwood Elementary received $175,300 to create a safer environment for students and community members that utilize the splash pad, park and playground adjacent to the school.
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a national program which assists communities and school districts in enabling and encouraging children to walk and bike to school. The program assists in planning, development, and implementation of goals to improve safety and health, while reducing traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution near schools.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
We identified strategies to engineer, educate, encourage, enforce, and evaluate our plan going forward.
The City’s Comprehensive Plan includes a goal to provide safe citywide connections to schools, libraries, parks, and recreation centers, with improved crossings and comfortable pedestrian environments at high demand destinations .
The City of Saint Paul, in cooperation with Saint Paul Public Schools, actively pursue and implement Safe Routes to School (SRTS) funding for various projects to emphasize walking and bicycling as a safe and viable way to get children to neighborhood schools.
Sprocket’s, Saint Paul’s out-of-school-time network, is also working actively to help youth-serving organizations alleviate transportation barriers by enhancing transportation options to and from various youth sites.
On the 9th day of December, 2019, the council of the city of Saint Peter and Nicollet County adopted a resolution authorizing transportation alternatives solicitation funding application for the Saint Peter Safe Routes To School Project
The city was awarded a SRTS grant in 2013 to complete and connect sidewalks in and around Pleasantview Elementary School. The city contributed $100,000 to complete the project. This school is located in a neighborhood where many children walk to school. Concerned parents were involved in the planning process meetings. The sidewalk addition improved pedestrian safety. The city plans to submit another SRTS grant for next year's funding.
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For more information contact:
Marilyn Patterson (Community volunteer) | | 320-258-5300
The city has an approved Safe Routes to School plan for Lincoln Center Elementary (attached). The plan made recommendations of which trails and pedestrian ways to get kids to school. The city is currently seeking funding sources to implement the recommendations of the plan.
#2 The City of South St. Paul, South St. Paul Police Department, the SSP Schools District, Dakota County Public Health and MN Safe Routes to School and Bike MN committee has formed and are developing a safe walk to school campaign and will host an event on May 8th in which all 4 schools in the school district will celebrate walking to schools. This will be a kick-off event to encourage walking to schools, educating the students and families and continuing to assess sidewalk needs in SSP
As part of an effort for Stillwater to achieve certification as a Bicycle Friendly community, a Bike To School Day program was initiated in 2018 at Lily Lake Elementary. The program followed all of the guiding principles and planning prescribed by National (and Minnesota) Safe Routes to School programs, with its primary focus being safety.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
An estimated 70 to 80 kids biked to school on Bike To School Day in 2018. This year the program will be running again at Lily Lake Elementary, and additionally the program will be initiated at one more school in Stillwater.
The City is the recipient of a Safe Routes to School Engineering Study Grant this spring and are actively working with MNDOT & the contractor on the study. A SRTS plan is included in both our Transportation Plan and our Trails Plan.
In 2015 The City of West St Paul was awarded a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) grant after implementing a successful SRTS Comprehensive Plan in collaboration with Garlough Environmental Magnet School in 2010. The project filled a critical trail and sidewalk gap identified the the City's 2011 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan.
They city of Willmar in Cooperation with the School District is engaged with a Safe Routes to School Program. Mid Minnesota Development is developing the program.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
A plan to improve the safe travel of walking routes to our schools is being developed.
The City of Lake City is committed to promoting active living and improving pedestrian and cyclist safety through the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program. This initiative encourages children and families to walk or bike to school safely by improving infrastructure, enhancing safety measures, and promoting healthy transportation options. Through the SRTS program, the City works to create safer routes, raise awareness, and foster a culture of active transportation within the community.